For his 800th birthday, a statue of Genghis Khan was erected in 1962 at Deluun Boldog; a place believed to be the great khan's birthplace, close to what is today Dadal soum, an attractive wooded area in North-West Khentii region. 
The area contains trails and lakes for visitors as well as monuments where you can learn why this fierce warrior and great leader is still revered today.Dadal Sum once housed one of three great lamaist temples consecrated to Chinggis Khan, but which was razed in the 1930s. Now there are stone monuments to him erected in the surrounding beauty of the Mongolian countryside. Also there is Burkhan Khaldun Mountain, which is mountain itself and/or its proximity areas are rumored to be the birthplace of Chinggis Khan, as well as the purported location of his tomb. The Burkhan Khaldun is one of the most sacred mountains in Mongolia.
The mountain is located in the 12,000 km² Khan Khentii Strictly Protected Area established in 1992. It is considered the most sacred mountain in Mongolia, because it was first designated as sacred by Chinggis Khan, although it previously had had strong religious significance prior to Chinggis Khan making it such a powerful landmark. This mountain is noted in Mongolian secret history which is historical note at Chinggis Khan’s rule time.